While out relaxing on our beautiful Rotary Trail on the Vedder river....we ran into a bit of a problem....lucky I brought our emergency kit along and soon the potential disturbance was eliminated..........maybe..
Eureka...they are makin movies in downtown Chilliwack....
Hey.......... they are makin movies in downtown Chilliwack.....I reckon they have used this old part of town for a lot of filming in the last few years....We never took it in until a few days ago...wow that's interesting stuff...they spent quite a few hours making this 20 second clip..we were lucky to get there when something was happening..a bunch of swat guys come barrelling down Wellington Avenue in a couple of SUVs..they stop and jump out ....under orders from a uniformed gal swatter about 5 ft tall they take aim in the sky ....the handsome sherrif says .....that's not an plane....then orders them to turn about and aim at the cafe..evey one gets outta the way....boing thats it ....it's a wrap....there are about 20 extras walking about and sitting in the cafe.....When we( my wife and I ) were in the way they politley asked the civies to move down a bit out of camera range....one of the tecks said they would have to pay us if we got in the scene.....I have no idea what an extra makes ...but it does not look like a brain surgeons knowledge is needed....in the scene the extras had to panic and get out of the cops way......I think it is a TV series called EUREKA.......I guess we will have a look for it in TV land....yup
I will try and keep the blog connected with Chilliwack but I throw my own photo shopped pictures...most connected to Chilliwack but some not...I will keep it clean and hopefully entertaining .....I will still keep on with the Chilliwack memories thing from time to time....We have a wonderful outdoors around us and there will be some posts on my passion...Fishing....yup...and being retired, I have a daily trip to the Airport Cafe where some material is gathered from some very intelligent and upstanding citizens from our Chilliwack Division of the Flat Earth Society....maybe my kids and grandkids will keep the bloggin for their memories.